2024 International Conference on Remote Sensing Technology and Image Processing (RSTIP 2024)
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Professor, Mohamed Elhag,King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elhag obtained his Ph.D. degree from an Interdepartmental Program, School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Thessaly, Greece in Water Resources Management. Professor Elhag is currently a tenured professor of Remote Sensing at the Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. Professor Elhag is a vising professor at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), China, also a visiting professor at the Department of Applied Geosciences, Faculty of Science, German University of Technology, Oman. He is the author of several articles published in reputed journals and is a member of different international working groups related to his background. Prof. Elhag teaches a wide variety of Remote Sensing courses for under and postgraduate students.

Professor, Jude Hemanth, Karunya University,  India

Dr . D. Jude Hemanth received his B.E degree in ECE from Bharathiar University in 2002, M.E degree in communication systems from Anna University in 2006 and Ph.D. from Karunya University in 2013. His research areas include Computational Intelligence and Image processing. He has authored more than 250 research papers in reputed SCIE indexed International Journals and Scopus indexed International Conferences. His Cumulative Impact Factor is more than 380. He has published 41 edited books with reputed publishers such as Elsevier, Springer and IET.

He has been serving as Associate Editor of SCIE Indexed International Journals such as IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE-JBHI), IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Soft Computing (Springer), Earth Science Informatics (Springer), IET Image Processing, Heliyon (Elsevier), Mathematical Problems in Engineering, PeerJ Computer Science, PLOS One and Dyna (Spain). He also holds the Associate Editor/ Guest Editor position with many SCIE/Scopus journals. He has been serving as the series editor of “Biomedical Engineering series” (Elsevier), Editorial board member of ASTI series (Springer) and “Robotics and Healthcare series” (CRC Press).
He has received a project grant with 35,000 UK Pound from Government of UK (GCRF scheme) with collaborators from University of Westminster, UK. He has also completed 2 funded research projects from CSIR, Govt. of India and DST, Govt. of India. He also serves as the “Research Scientist” of Computational Intelligence and Information Systems (CI2S) Lab, Argentina; LAPISCO research lab, Brazil; RIADI Lab, Tunisia; Research Centre for Applied Intelligence, University of Craiova, Romania and e-health and telemedicine group, University of Valladolid, Spain.
He has been also the organizing committee member of several international conferences across the globe such as Portugal, Romania, UK, Egypt, China, etc. He has delivered more than 150 Keynote talks/Invited Lectures in International Conferences/workshops. He holds professional membership with IEEE Technical Committee on Neural Networks (IEEE Computational Intelligence Society) and IEEE Technical Committee on Soft Computing (IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernatics Society) and ACM. He is the NVIDIA “University Ambassador” and NVIDIA certified instructor for Deep Learning courses. His name featured in the “Top 2% leading world scientists” [2021, 2022] list released by Stanford University, USA. He is the International Accreditation member for Higher Education Institutions in Romania [ARACIS] and Slovenia [SQAA] under European Commission.
Currently, he is working as Professor in Department of ECE, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India. He also holds the position of “Visiting Professor” in Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Oradea, Romania.

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